Hourly care
What is Hourly Home Care
Hourly home care is provided to people living in their own homes who require additional support with day-to-day life, for example household tasks, personal care, preparing and cooking meals or any other activity that allows them to maintain their independence and quality of life, whilst allowing them to stay at home.
There are a range of terms different providers will use to describe hourly care services. Hourly care definitions include domiciliary care, care at home and visiting care, but all refer to the same service – a carer visiting your home at times during the day to provide care and support.
How we provide Hourly Care at Home
Hourly care from a competent and compassionate visiting carer can be provided from 60-minute visit a day for a minimum of three times per week. Some of our clients will require us to visit more than once a day, sometimes several visits a day, a few or more times a week. Our service is flexible so you can have as many hours as you require to make sure you have the support you need.
If you have complex needs care can be provided over a 24-hour period. Home care can also be provided by us as a live-in care arrangement if a more permanent service is required. For families looking after an adult who needs complex care, for example those looking after an elderly loved one with dementia, we offer flexible respite care at home.