Health Care Funding

How can I access NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding?

If you or your loved one feels you are eligible for NHS continuing healthcare funding, it is worth noting that whilst funding is free the qualification criteria is robust and there are several steps involved in accessing funding that may be available.

You firstly need to request a continuing care assessment from your local GP or social worker. The medical professional allocated to your claim will conduct an initial ‘screening’ either at your home or in hospital to determine whether you may be likely to be eligible for funding. If it is deemed, you are likely to be eligible you will undergo a thorough assessment of your condition and your on-going health needs.

Each individual need will be categorised either as low, moderate, high, severe, priority. If you have at least one priority need or more than one severe, you will be eligible for support.

The results of your assessment will be sent to your local CCG, who will make the final decision as to whether you will receive financial assistance from the NHS.

The CCG will then write to you with their decision and the reasoning behind it.

If the CCG has concluded that you are eligible you will be invited to discuss with them details of how and where you wish to receive the care you need, as well as the organisation you would prefer to provide care.

Sadly, for many, specialist conditions like dementia are not in isolation considered a healthcare need so dementia care is not necessarily funded by NHS Continuing Healthcare. It is always worth checking though, as funding can considerably contribute to the overall cost of a care and in many cases will fund the total cost.

Benefits entitlements

There are a number of benefits entitlements, not all of which are means-tested, to which you or your loved one may be entitled and which can be used to cover some or all of the cost of your care.

Depending on your individual circumstances and care needs you may be eligible to apply for:

We’ve listed the main benefits here, but you may be able to claim others depending on your circumstances.